मौसम अपडेट

नेपाली पात्रो

विदेशी विनिमय दर अपडेट

राशिफल अपडेट

सुन चाँदी दर अपडेट


निर्मला आचार्यः विहेपछि एमएड, एमपिए, इएमबिए र दुई सन्तान

निर्मला आचार्यः विहेपछि एमएड, एमपिए, इएमबिए र दुई सन्तान

अपि टाइम्स

काठमाण्डौ । अपि सामाजिक संजालमा सामाजिक संजालमा राखिएका उत्प्रेरणामुलक सामाग्रि राखिन्छ । यो स्तम्भमा जुनसुकै वर्ग र समुदाय अटाउन सक्छन् । यहाँ उचो निचोको आधारमा कसैलाई विभेद गरिने छैन ।

रुटिन अफ नेपाल बन्दबाट साभार

Inspirational: Nirmala Acharya from Pyuthan successfully qualifies for the 10th level and becomes Director of Nepal Oil Corporation at the age of just 37. She previously passed the Loksewa exams at the Officer level in Sanchaya Kosh and was also working at the 8th level of Senior Administrative Officer in Nepal Telecom. She graduated Med, MPA and EMBA after her marriage and taking responsibility of 2 children.